Chronic Skin Rashes; Brain Fog; Anxiety; Chronic Bloating; Constipation
Wednesday marked 1 year that I have been on 100% raw fruit! I am finishing off my one year with a 20 day fruit juice fast, which will end on Sunday.
I plan to add in greens and veggie fruits later on next week and slow down my detox a bit, while hopefully rebuilding some strength and regaining some weight.
I started this journey weighing about 125lb (I am 5’6”), and I am ending the year weighing 95 lb (definitely lower than I want to be long term). I realize that this is all a part of the process, especially while dealing with malabsorption and other weaknesses.
Throughout the year, I’ve included a 40 day grape fast, a 10 day grape fast, numerous 24 hr dry fasts, intermittent fasting, a 36 hr water fast, a 4 day orange juice fast, a 10 day fruit juice fast and now a 20 day fruit juice fast.
Some changes I have seen over the last year (the good, the bad and everything in between):
- Weight loss
- Chronic bloating gone (I have never had a flat stomach in my life until now)
- Flatulence gone
- Brain fog gone (HUGE change in my thinking and communication for the better)
- Personality changes: increased assertiveness, directness, more vocal, more confident and comfortable with conflict, some bouts of rage/emotional detox, etc)
- Major energy increase
- General increase in motivation (I even started an organic vegan side hustle in my neighborhood in the Fall!)
- Great sleep (and need less of it)
- Significant decrease in severity of chronic itchy rashes I’ve had for 15 years
- Constipation long gone
- Heightened sense of smell
- Zero body odor (never need deodorant and used to)
- Decrease in inner ear itching
- Extreme muscle loss and weakness
- Itchy anus gone (sorry…gross, I know, but…parasites!)
- Heightened level of spiritual awareness
- Cravings gone
- Anxiety is so much less debilitating!
- Dandruff gone (used to have a TON)!
- Hair has become a lot more blonde (more like when I was a child)
- Kidney filtration achieved (not massive amounts, but it’s been consistently there)
- Loss of menses
It has truly been a wild ride (which included some detox reactions along the way).
I am grateful for the journey, and I hope this post can be inspiring/motivating for even just one person who might need it.
Thank you all for your thoughts, comments and help throughout the last year. I will be continuing on the path, just a little bit slower now (probably with some intervals of 100% fruit here and there).
Healing vibes and love to all of you!
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See original post here: