Goat Babies and Heal-All Tea Enemas

Sophy R. May 26, 2014

Heal-All Tea (HAT) enemas and baby goats…. Have spent the last two days attempting to save one of my 2 wk old billy goats (LaDonald). He was listless, pale, not eating, distended belly with pain, when he would get up he would stretch out his little body as this is the only way he could tolerate standing. I first panicked, ran around the house looking for the best remedy.

I did run to modern vet treatments first… dewormer and vitamin B complex injection (dosages were tricky as he only weighs about 8 lbs). When I gathered my composure I instituted several natural healing methods with mostly herbs and essential oils.

Started with a few drops of Parasite M, force fed some colostrum (I got from a friend down the road), started instilling 20 cc of HAT rectally in 3 doses (total 60cc) four times daily and on the second day he started farting and stooling some soft poop. He really started to come around when he started stooling and actually got up and ate a littledirect from his mother last night. This morning he is still a little weak, but is starting to run around and play with his brother.

Also had to treat my doe (Margie) as her utter was engorged from only having one baby eating… she was tender and red. She has never been handled so this was not an easy task. Wild goat milking should be an olympic event… only got wacked on the nose once…. I ended up treating her utter with a different essential oil blend… lots of lavender for pain and citrus blend for potential of infection and then some warm compresses. She is now back to normal too.

Thinking of continuing the HAT enemas for on more day on the little one to get his bowels moving, decrease his toxic load, and I think he may have benefited from the hydration as well.

Two young white goat kids standing in hay inside a barn, with partial view of a brown goat in the background.

Margie is in the back… LaDonald (named after my mother LaDonna) is the little white one and his brother is Moris (after my partner’s mother Doris).


May 29, 2014

I’m happy to report that little LaDonald the goat is back to total normalville… jumping around and running with his brother and pooping and peeing …hurray. I ended up giving him a few more of the little enemas for 2 more nights found his little colon could hold 10 cc’s I imagine his dosing would be similar to an infant. Margies utter is back to normal and they suck away like little aggressive billy kids. They are so fun to watch.

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