I Cured My Acne With Fruit | My Healing Story + Some Basic Detox Knowledge | Annette’s Healing

Annette January 29, 2022 Source

Annette's journey from severe acne to vibrant health began after the birth of her second daughter in 2015.

What started as minor breakouts along her jawline quickly escalated into painful, widespread acne that devastated her self-confidence and quality of life.

After countless failed attempts with conventional treatments, skincare products, and dietary changes, she discovered a life-changing approach through Dr. Morse's teachings about the lymphatic system and acidosis.

The turning point came when Annette committed to a high-fruit raw food program, which addressed the root cause of her skin issues: an overburdened lymphatic system and cellular acidosis.

Within weeks of eliminating meat, dairy, and processed foods while embracing fruit-based nutrition, her breakouts began to diminish significantly.

Not only did her skin clear completely, but she also experienced improvements in digestion, energy levels, and emotional well-being. This profound personal healing journey inspired Annette to become a detox specialist herself, driven by a desire to help others overcome similar challenges.

Today, she maintains clear skin with minimal scarring and has found her calling in teaching others about natural healing through proper diet and detoxification.

Challenge Faced

Severe cystic acne after second pregnancy; painful facial inflammation; low self-confidence; depression; chronic digestive issues; low energy; approximately 40-50 active breakouts at a time; scarring

Approach Taken

Annette started on a high-fruit raw vegan detox protocol following Dr. Morse's methodology. Eliminated all meat, dairy, processed foods, and refined sugars while emphasizing fruit consumption to address lymphatic system blockages and reduce body acidity.

Results Achieved

Clear, acne-free skin within weeks; improved digestion; increased energy levels; better emotional wellbeing; reduced depression; minimal remaining scarring; enhanced self-confidence; transformed career path to become detox specialist to help others

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