Addison Level Adrenals; Hypothyroid; Elevated Liver Enzymes; Elevated Cholesterol; Elevated Blood Pressure; Depression; Moody; and 40lbs. Overweight
Four months ago my husband went to the doctors for complete testing from head to toe. The results were eye opening to say the least to what was happening on the inside: Addison level adrenals, hypo-thyroid, high liver enzymes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, depression, moody, and 40lbs. over weight.
He was addicted to coffee and over eating the wrong things. He was trying to get satisfied by finishing everyone else’s plates but still starving for nutrients that his body couldn’t absorb.
I put him on a high raw diet, high fruits, juicing, with a sweet potato every few days. I removed grains, dairy, , and sugar.
Why is this important to heal the adrenals/gut? Because all of
these things cause inflammation and food to rot in our guts.
This is why this lifestyle works. It is easy on the digestion. It heals the gut lining from a leaky gut and allows the body to learn to absorb nutrients once again. This does take time but it works!!!
I put him on Dr. Morse’s fab 4 and GI broom too.
Look at his adrenals now! They went from flat-line to almost back to normal!!!!
All of his other issues are gone! Adrenals are still in recovery but functioning like clockwork now!
4 months ya’ll, all it takes is a willing heart and walking out the steps of staying high raw, herbs, grounding, sunshine, laughing, rest and yoga!
The body knows how to heal itself!!!
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Special Notes
While these changes can happen in 4 months or less, keep in mind that everyone's journey is different. For example, while Stephanie's husband achieved his goals in 4 months, others might take shorter or much longer - maybe 3 months, or even more than a year. It all depends on your personal situation.