Major Health Improvements; Migraines; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; High Blood Pressure; High Cholesterol; Weight Loss

April M. March 11, 2018

My Joy Report: 2017 was definitely a year of change for me. On March 15, 2017 I decided to change everything about what I put on and in my body and what I use in my home. From candles & cleaning products, to deodorant, shampoo & soap as well as what foods I consume. I also got rid of toxic people from friends to even a couple family members. I was so sick with adrenal fatigue, was depressed, 65 pounds overweight and suffering from depression, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe and debilitating IBS & migraines and a heart condition.

I threw out every single processed food from my fridge, freezer and cabinets and embarked on changing from a standard American diet (meats, cheeses, coffee/sodas/caffeine, packaged foods, breads, grains, cooked foods and alcohol) for a 5 week walk that took me from cooked pescatarian to theside of life. The goal was to cleanse myself of all that I had been piling on and in my body all my life and settle back down into a pescatarian way of living. That wasn’t to be…

At the end of 5 weeks I had only had mild IBS and not a single migraine. I hadn’t gone without a migraine one single week of my entire life since the age of 5!!!! I missed out on so much of my life, raising my kids and having any kind of social life. This was a streak I couldn’t break! I was becoming sickness free!!!! So I decided to continue on.

Since that time I have converted to a fully raw fruitarian lifestyle and am no longer pescatarian. I chose this way of eating because I was seeking to fully heal from all my ailments, not just lessen their impact on my life and to do no harm to God’s creatures. To date, four days shy of one year, I have still NOT had ONE SINGLE MIGRAINE!!!! I also no longer have IBS or any digestive issues whatsoever. My blood pressure is normal, my blood sugar is perfect, my cholesterol is normal, I’M NO LONGER ON HEART MEDICATIONS, and I’ve lost 65 pounds to boot!!

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