C5-C6 Spinal Cord Injury; Chronic Neuropathic Pain; Severe Muscle Spasticity; Respiratory Weakness; Low Blood Pressure; Recurrent UTIs
In 2010, I was in a severe car accident and broke my neck. My neck was broken at the 5th and 6th vertebrae, and my spinal cord was crushed and stretched. The doctor’s report said I had sustained 80% damage. I became paralyzed from my chest downward with some use of my arms, enough to push a wheelchair but no finger function.
Those of you with spinal cord injuries, or family members with an injury or other conditions like Parkinson’s, ALS, Muscular Dystrophy, MS, and Fibromyalgia , understand how life changing and debilitating these conditions can be.
With spinal cord injuries come a whole host of challenges. The inability to control the bowels and bladder requires the use of rectal suppositories and catheters. The lack of physical movement can cause skin sores, skin rashes, muscle spasticity, swelling of the legs, locking joints, crooked limbs.
Often with a spinal cord injury comes with intense neuropathic pain, very low blood pressure, urinary tract infections, lung congestion, constipation and bleeding of the rectum.
I was living with many of these in the first couple years following my injury. It takes a while to adjust to life in a wheelchair to say the least. I was on a lot of medications. Lyrica for nerve pain, Baclofen for muscle spasms, Ditropan (another muscle relaxer) to keep my bladder from shrinking, Midodrine for low blood pressure, aspirin to thin my blood.
During and after my time in the hospital I was in almost constant pain, and suffered from depression, mood swings, chronic low blood pressure, fatigue and muscle spasms that would almost throw me out of my wheelchair.
I ate whatever I chose, breads, pizzas, cheeses, meats and coffee. I was raised with a distrust of pharmaceutical drugs, so from the beginning I tried to eliminate as many as possible down to just the essentials. I weaned off the lyrica. I decided Id deal with the pain, and also began using cannabis to dull the pain. I started feeling sick every time I took the Ditropan, so my Doctor prescribed a milder drug for my bladder. I stopped taking the aspirin. The Baclofen didn’t work unless I kept increasing the dose, so I quit that too. The cannabis kept my spasms in check, and relaxed my muscles.
I had always been aware of my health, so I started eating more vegetables, and drinking vegetable juices.
I had lots of stuffy sinus problems and mucusy lungs, which was a problem, because with the level of my injury the upper quarter of my lungs don’t have the normal cough reflex, and I’d sometimes wake up choking and my brother would have to come press on my chest to help me cough. My nose would plug up at night, and I was dependent on nasal sprays. So while smoking the cannabis helped me cope with the pain, and relaxed my muscles, it caused lung issues and sinus congestion. I started using cannabis tinctures instead, but it still contributed to my sinus congestion.
I had a desire to be healthier. I knew there was a better way. In 2012 mid winter, I decided to try and eat nothing but raw uncooked fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts and seeds. It was difficult at first. My body had to adjust. I decided to give up dairy products and meats.were the last to go, but those went to. I decided to give up the cannabis, because I noticed that while it was benefiting me in a few ways, It wasn’t taking care of most of my problems.
I started to feel better. I had moments where I felt worse as well. The pain would come and go. In the spring I decided to eat a very clean diet of salads and juices, and took a special mix of herbs to clean my digestive tract for 28 days.
I started to research more about healing the body naturally. A friend introduced me to Robert Morse ND, and I was floored. I watched a YouTube video, and here was the first time I’d seen a story about a man 30 years a quad[riplegic], had straightened a broken leg, and lost a hundred pounds with just raw fruits, juices and herbs. A woman with complete spinal cord severation, had reconnected her nerves to the point where she regained her breathing, started lifting her legs, and move her fingers and arms. Just by eating fruits and taking herbs? It was everything I had been seeking for, though I still was a bit skeptical mixed with excitement at the possibility. Sure I am aware of stem cell research, and all the physical therapies, electrical stimulation, acupuncture and so on that some have had success with.
But the idea that a person could rebuild the body, cell by cell, simply by feeding it natural living foods with complex chemistry, made sense to me. I started studying Dr. Morse, and he had a simple message with 40 years of experience to back it up:
- The body needs to keep a balanced ratio of alkaline to acid chemistry to remain healthy, falling predominately on the alkaline side.
- Our bodies are basically made up of a hundred trillion cell and two fluids, blood and lymphatic fluid.
- Our bodies must be able to eliminate waste properly to heal, and the kidneys and lymphatic system are of major importance in this.
- Our modern diet of high amounts of processed foods, meats, milks, and breads are making our bodies acidic, and impeding the kidneys and lymphatic systems ability to properly eliminate waste from the body.
This put me on the road to learning the art of detoxification, and physical regeneration.
I started eating mostly a diet of fruits and salads, and started taking special herbal formulas to help clean the lymphatic system, heal the kidneys and [endocrine] glands, and help my circulation, my lungs and herbs to rebuild my nerves. We in this modern day have often been warned that herbs are dangerous. But if you think about it, humans have had a relationship to herbs for thousands of years. Modern medicine has a short history, and many modern drugs have herbal origins.
One thing I do know is I got better. And even better. My pain and spasticity started to subside so I wasn’t irritable and angry. My sinuses cleared and I didn’t need the nasal sprays or the cannabis anymore. My low blood pressure improved and I didn’t need the Midodrine anymore. The rectal bleeding and constipation went away mostly. The UTI’s cleared up. I ate nothing but grapes apples and pears for 22 days. Later that winter I drank lemon juice sweetened with maple syrup for 20 days. In between, I ate lots of fruits, had lots of fresh orange juice and sometimes steamed vegetables. I have so much more energy and motivation, and clarity of mind.
I have a vision. Now in the fall of 2014, I am eating grapes for 40 days. I am feeding my cells, regenerating and rebuilding my body with live foods. I look forward to standing and walking one day. I have a long road ahead, but That is where I’m intending to go. If you are in a wheelchair, you do not have to live in pain. Even if you don’t believe you will have complete mobility again, you can live a much more comfortable life in a chair. Eat the living foods my friends, trust the herbs, learn to love yourself, let go of fear, and take a dive into the world of detoxification and regeneration. You will be happy you did.