A Nurse’s Success Story: Breast Lump Resolved in 10 Days

Gail Breiterman October 13, 2016 Source

Gail, a nurse from New Jersey, has been a follower of Dr. Morse since 2011. She credits Dr. Morse's protocols and herbs with changing her life, particularly in helping her shrink a lump under her breast in just 10 days.

She believes in the power of diet and lifestyle changes to address health issues and is deeply grateful to Dr. Morse for his teachings and continues to learn from him.

Challenge Faced

Breast lump; working in Western medicine while seeking alternative solutions

Approach Taken

After discovering Dr. Morse in 2011, Gail started on a protocol focusing on dietary changes, specifically following a plant-only diet and incorporating herbal formulas. Her approach was to take quick action upon discovering health issues.

Results Achieved

Breast lump disappeared within 10 days; increased knowledge about natural healing; ability to help others with their health; continuous learning about health and wellness; successful transition from Western medicine perspective to natural healing methods

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