Ulcerative Colitis; Psoriasis; Chronic Migraines; Visceral Obesity

Cheryl P. November 1, 2021

Thank you Dr. Morse!

Nine months mostly raw fruit lifestyle!

Folks! I’m so excited with my results with the raw frugivore diet!

9 months today! I could of had a baby instead I feel like I birthed one! 38 pounds released and holding steady!

Ten inches gone from around my middle. Nine inches off my hips! Plenty more inches all around decreased! Back to the size I was as a teenager.

I feel good!

Dangerous visceral fat was suffocating my organs and killing me slowly and painfully!

My autoimmune disease was ruling my life and holding me as a prisoner..

Our Body heals itself when you stop putting crap in! Simple!

Acid diet causes inflammation. Alkaline diet cause great health! It’s really that simple!

Here’s what changed!

  • No more symptoms of my ulcerative colitis!
  • no more symptoms of my psoriasis!
  • no more bloating or gas!
  • digestive and elimination systems working well!
  • migraines greatly reduced!
  • clearer skin!
  • no more achy breaky body!
  • didn’t need sunscreen last summer.
  • Alkaline skin doesn’t burn! Bronze beauty.
  • no pharmaceutical drugs used
  • no more night waking to pee!
  • no more hot flashes
  • healed some pesky skin tags! They just fell off!
  • sleeping soundly and through the night
  • lots of energy!
  • Much happier, mental health is better!

I’m 55 years young, mother of four, glama of four and I feel better than I have in decades! I strongly suggest you ditch your junk food and start eating real food if you want your good health to soar!

If you are interested in learning more about the raw food lifestyle inbox me and I will be happy to share with you the knowledge I have.

Just paying it forward. Karen Lee is the one who gently pointed me in the right direction and I am truly grateful.

Healthy self. Heal Thy Self.

Pill for every ill will never ever work. Pills mask symptoms and often make matters worse.

Eat yourself well! The body heals when you stay out of its way!

Very grateful for the supportive and loving raw community I have been aligned with!

Everything is easier with friends.

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