Neurological Weakness; Adrenal Fatigue; Food Addiction; Sleep Issues
My completed 40 day grape and melon cleanse experience:
I recently completed my 40 day 100% grape and melon cleanse. What a liberating journey! I took it day by day and naturally my soul and heart resonated with going to 40 days.
The 40 day fasting is a divine spiritual practice that heightens the senses, increases intuitive abilities/synchronicities, uncovers one’s soul calling and mission on this Earth, brings one closer to God Source, brings one closer to the Self, makes one look within at the programming, triggers, traumas and emotions that are normally suppressed with heavier and complex fatty meals, and releases food cravings/addictions as the body aligns more and more with simple mono fruit eating.
It’s not supposed to be easy, as there are challanges and struggles during this shift. It takes 21 days to break a bad habit and the 40 days of any type of fasting brings a spiritual element to the process of simplicity, minimalism, and space for the divine to shine unsupressed, unblocked, fully vulnerable, authentic.
Taking away seasonings, fats and large mixed veggie meals really brings one back to stillness, presence, and our frugivore roots of mono eating and Being with the taste, smell, texture and feeling of one fruit at a time. There is something really enriching and peaceful about not being consumed in thought, time, action and energy around food, what to eat and what to make.
Sure food is a pleasurable process, but it triggers my past terrible food addictions if I consume my life too much around food and taste. Coming from a past of intense addictions to junk foods most of my life, I am extremely proud of myself for being able to focus in with will power, motivation, inspiration and strength in being able to do long detoxes and stay on the fruit-based vegan path.
Truly, if I can do this, anyone can. The power of the mind and of the yearning to feel my best and reach my bountiful potential as a human physically, spiritually, and emotionally is so strong that it can dismantle any addictions, toxic behaviors and patterns that stand in one’s way. This is the strength and resilience I have uncovered within my self and my cells.
Going from immense suffering and illness being bedridden for months due to neurological and adrenal weakness, to now thriving and aligning with my soul purpose thanks to raw foods, herbs, and cleaning really lights a fire under one’s booty to continue on this path of wellness.
This detox also brought about health benefits including even better sleep, mind clarity, release of sulfur and mucous, better skin, stronger hair/nails, neurological regeneration from the ample electromagnetic energy from the grapes and melons, and any other deeper healing that occured unfelt and not visible.
What this detox did expose is that I want to dig deeper into adrenal healing. I have healed so much over the past almost 5 years of my raw vegan lifestyle and my adrenal glands have gotten so much stronger as I have felt an increase of stable energy over time, but during this cleanse I had days of feeling fatigued, tired, & wanting to sleep longer.
Fruits expose our weaknesses because we are not taking in any stimulating foods & the body is presenting itself as the state that it is in without being stimulated or suppressed by meals. I am grateful for being shown what needs more care and focus as I continue on this path of alkaline nourishment, detoxification, cellular regeneration and the uncovering of my truest most authentic Self as the divine feminine Being that I am coming into alignment with.
As I cleanse the toxicicities from my body I cleanse the old stagnant small energies that wanted to hide instead of SHINE. I want to boldly shine the light and continue to inspire and help others heal, feel, align, and truly become empowered in reclaiming their holistic wellness.
Thank you beloved Dr. Morse for inspiring me to do this deeper cleanse and thank you mamma earth for your vibrant fruit gifts and thank you to my body for your healing, support, nurturing, resonance, strength and love. I will continue to listen to your needs and support you with ample nourishment from the Earth – the fruits, greens, herbs, sunshine, wilderness, connection, earthing, deep breathing, meditation, and heart centered passion to help humanity heal from their disempowered state of dis-ease.
This cleanse further reminded me that we are infine soverign blessed Beings of Light and love with the fruitful potential to heal ourselves and cells with enough focus, dedication, determination and will power to break free from the old toxic programing, thoughts, and behaviors that hold us back from THRIVING.
I adore wellness in reconnection to the Earth and I have been so happy helping others who are ready to walk the healing journey path – offering guidance and consultations to my clients along with a personalized food and herbal protocol based on the original natural methods of full body detoxification and cellular regeneration is my greatest passion and mission in life – which I have found all thanks to my struggle and motivation to heal naturally witnessing the benefits first hand and in others.
You are worthy of wellness, vitality, and the reclamation of your body and true health! No matter how much toxicity and society have knocked you down physically and spiritually – it’s not too late to get back up and walk nature’s path into holistic wholeness. Your mind, body, and soul are calling you to be liberated in nature-alignment like never before!
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