Chronic Acne; Near-Sightedness; Chronic Inflammation; Severe PMS; Digestive Issues; Obesity

Tea R. May 7, 2021

Its been 2 years and 8 months since I entrusted my health to the high raw vegan fruit based lifestyle.

Many ask, why such a ” radical” change?

And honestly there’s so many answers I at the time didn’t yet know I will get to answer in years to come, yet now feel blessed to be able to show off these answers not only in my appearance, but the vibe, energy as well.

The biggest changes I have experienced with changing my lifestyle, turning it back to nature is:

  • Clearer, shinier, healthier skin. I used to suffer from acne terribly (after my teenage years as well), now my skin is still healing but its so much better and nicer to the touch than it used to be. I used to avoid touching my skin because it was either irritated, painful or/and very dry to the touch. Now I feel as if my skin is honesty softer and softer.
  • I suffer from near sightedness. My sight was getting worse with each your to come, however since I changed my lifestyle the worsening stopped, let’s see what is in the bag for me there…
  • I used to always be overweight. Now I maintain my weight easily, especially if I focus on whole foods (leave out dried foods for instance).
  • Im grateful my body always showed me when something didn’t feel right to it, and inflammation was one of those very things. I had inflamed ankles, puffy face, lots of cellulite – that is all some kind of inflammation, which I severly decreased over the period of time im on this lifestyle.
  • Period. I used to suffer from long, strong periods that were always accompanied by Pms. Not fun. Now I never experience any pain, bleed very little, and my periods last tops 3 days.
  • Digestion – I never feel constipated, bloated. I eat, I eliminate – effortlessly. Its the high water and fiber content of the whole raw foods!
  • Body odor – i can sweat all day yet not stink, at least not as severly as most do when doing some kind of exercise. Comes jn very handy when doing 12 hour shifts as a nurse haha.
  • I allowed myself to reconnect with myself after such long years of pure disconnect between my body – spirit – mind. It slowly destroyed me, yet with each step into this lifestyle I reconnected a little more!
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