Brain Injury; Chronic Fatigue; Memory Loss; Speech Impairment

Sara G. November 12, 2018

I just wanted to quickly share some progress, with my husband’s brain injury.

So he’s now been home for about 3 months, off all of his meds, on a high fruit raw diet. Has regular (3 daily) bowel movements even though he is mostly bed ridden. His biggest issues have been chronic fatigue lack of motivation and major memory issues.

Two weeks ago I started him on an adrenal glandular and about a week ago added morse’s superfood 3 blend to his cocktail of herbs, as well as happiness. I am blown away by these last additions! This week his fatigue has changed from, “all I want to do is sleep” to “I wanna stay in bed but I’d like to watch movies”.

His humor has improved dramatically and while his physical fatigue is still chronic his mental fatigue seems far less severe. He has begun playing around with the controls of his bed on his own, working his arms and legs on his own and his speech and overall communication has greatly improved.

I have no doubts that all things combined have led to this improvement but I am really really pleased to see what seems to be his adrenal glands coming back in working order. Amazing and really really exciting! I was happy today because even the speech therapist noticed his improved demeanor and capabilities, and friday the PT noticed he was better than earlier in the week.

So just thought I’d share and let people know. Happiness, glandular and superfood kick butt! H’es been on many others since the beginning but these seem to really help in his brain injury case. Tomorrow I’m adding upper circa and brain and nerve again. The company was out until now so he hasn’t had them in a while. I’ll also be adding chem detox and thyroid tincture.

If these sort of stories inspire anyone let me know and I’ll keep you posted with his progress. Not bad for someone who would “never wake up from his coma, and if he did would remain a vegetable for the rest of his life…” LOVE YOU DR> MORSE <3<3

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