Brain Tumors; Interstitial Cystitis
Brain Tumors:
I had to do my “mandatory” MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] for my history of 2 brain tumors that I have known for a few months are GONE!!!!
Western Medicine is very “Black and White”, with no gray in the middle…I have a history of 2 (bilateral Petrous Apex Granulomas),that were diagnosed 15 years ago. They are benign, but I beg to differ….there is nothing” benign” about 2 tumors in your head that don’t belong there!!! I am the first person, to my knowledge, that has had 0 intervention with this type of tumor, and they have disappeared. There was nothing magical about it!
I can honestly say, at the time of my diagnosis, I felt like it was a death sentence!!! When diagnosed it was just too much for me to deal with, so, with help, I began doing self hypnosis and over the years they decreased. When I went RAW, they went away, dissolved, disappeared, whatever you want to call it. It was suggested that I undergo a STUDY, but I didn’t qualify because my tumors didn’t follow a medical standard and no one could take credit for an intervention that ended in a positive result. So, now, I am a “FLUKE” in the eyes of WESTERN MEDICINE. To me, it’s not a miracle, but my own belief system that claimed a “HEALING”. My success was a result of patience, determination and the belief that I could maneuver through and control my own destiny. If I can do it, anyone can!!!
I started my detox in August 2012. I was on green smoothies for 4 mos before I added fruits. My first fruit was blueberries. Not following a medical standard means I was told, my tumors would never go away on their own and eventually I would have to have 2 craniotomies. I am a nurse and I knew I didn’t have 8 weeks to dedicate to tumors, so I opted for “non western” interventions. According to Dr. Ossama Al-Mefty, my original neurosurgeon, 12 years was the longest a patient had gone without intervention. He is the world’s foremost expert on this type of tumor. I beat the odds!!!
After having the last MRI, I knew my tumors were gone and I thought that was great and didn’t give it much thought about how or when it happened. When I met with my neurosurgeon on Thursday he explained that I had a tiny hole on the bone where my right tumor sat for 15 years. I’m thinking that can’t be good. Apparently, the body knows what to do if we let it. The hole that was created, was the escape route for the tumor. If I had ever needed surgical intervention, it would’ve been to drill a hole in that exact spot in the bone to allow the tumor to exit.
To date, I am the only patient with this type of tumor to have no intervention and for the tumors to disappear on their own. It was a quick visit and he said I was the luckiest neurosurgery patient he had ever had. He said, Now, get out of here and live your life, you are no longer a patient of mine and you will no longer need MRI’s etc.
Interstitial Cystitis:
I’ve had IC for fifteen years. After many years of seeing a Urologist and adhering to the standard treatments; the IC diet, over fifty DSMO treatments, Elmiron (a huge clump of my hair fell out), various antihistamines, bladder analgesics, Elavil, etc… I was still in pain and searching for a better way. My social life had dwindled to nothing, as I couldn’t go anywhere without having to urinate every ten minutes or being in pain. I was depressed and had requested that my bladder be removed. I continued on with treatment failure after treatment failure. I happened upon Sunny’s Go4Discipline YouTube channel and contacted her then joined her Facebook group right away.
I followed the raw diet Sunny recommends and made her green smoothies part of my daily routine. Miracles began to happen! Today, after fourteen months, I am pain free, urinating every three hours and not at all at night. Sunny’s knowledge, compassion, and dedication have made all the difference to me. I will NEVER go back to my old ways of eating and thinking. I intend to continue on my healing journey and will forever be grateful to Sunny. She has made a difficult and trying time brighter and much easier for many!