Breast Tumor; Fibromyalgia; Severe Migraines; Asthma; Eczema; Anxiety and Depression
Here’s my testimonial…I should have posted this long ago …as per dr Robert Morse’s protocol…. mainly fruitarian along with herbal blends my golf ball sized breast tumor of 22 years disappeared within 8 months (also breast cancer runs in my family so I’m sure I stopped it from progressing into that) …I did have cheat days but they were always vegan…also I reversed fibromyalgia eczema allergies hypoglycemia severe migraines anxiety depression sleep disorder asthma skin discoloration ( I’m sure I’m forgetting a couple more) … over all I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life. Consistency was the key…I wasn’t always perfect & I still got my remedy…I’m so grateful for this knowledge.