Crohn’s Disease; Liver Failure; Kidney Failure; Multiple Sclerosis
As a young athlete I was indoctrinated hard into the system of protein and the SAD diet and the importance of eating as often as possible.
Without any knowledge about the self or anything else, I worked 100 hours a week as a 16 year old girl, making sure I had my 220 grams of protein each day.
It eventually started with back pain, so I went to the doctor who told me it was just mental, and very normal for young girls to be moody and week.
As a top athlete I wanted to show them that it wasn’t true. I worked harder and harder, and I did become the best.
The slowly, but gradually my body gave in bit by bit. Migrenes every day, chrons, liver failure, kidney failure, systemic acidoses, MS.. After 100 doses of ciprofloxacin, I was sent to the hospital with crp over 400, and they left me to die.
I remember they said, she’s not going to make it this time. They just left me for a week in isolation. But I survived and by “accident” I met my first teacher, who started my path to healing. I went vegan first, then gluten free, then coffein free, and sugar free.
I was not bed ridden anymore, but far from good health. One day I found Robert on YouTube, and it was like everything made sense.
I’ve struggled all my life with understanding everything we had been taught. Then in just a few videos everything clicked.
I became 90% raw in 2018, all my skin problems vanishes, all my depressing suicidal thoughts went slowly away without any effort, and I had been working so hard to get rid of them since I became sick. No more stomach problems.
Not only did my physical health slowly but surely become better, but my mind as well. I am still healing as for some reason when I go all fruit, I get so spiritually high that I can’t exist on earth.
But with the herbs, his love and never ending knowledge, I go day by day doing everything I can to heal fully.
Not only have I healed, but the people around me as well, its like people are drawn to me, and we have become a tribe of healers and higher beings, making a community of love and service.
I owe my life to Robert Morse, and every morning I send my prayers to him and turn to him for love and support. When I can afford it, I will attend his school and become a student, bringing forth his legacy.
He is the greatest healer on this planet, and I am forever grateful for him and everyone who helps him spread the knowledge and love. Monica, born in 1984.