Endocrine System Weakness; Herniated Discs; Spinal Osteophytes; Severe Insomnia; Anxiety and Depression

Nina Grbic September 17, 2023

Hello everyone! My name is Nina. I am a Level 1 graduate of Dr. Robert Morse’s International School of the Healing Arts. I am very happy and excited to be giving my testimonial today. First of all, I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Morse for his wealth of knowledge regarding healing and spirituality. I wouldn’t be here sharing my experience with everyone if it wasn’t for him!

I am currently 44 years old. I have been on my natural healing journey since the age of 26. My first awakening of the natural healing world was when I passed gallbladder/liver/kidney stones back in 2006. It was shocking to see how many stones came out of my body, and how much better I felt afterwards. It was an eye opening experience that put me on this path that I am on today.

Over the years, I have done about 20+ fasting cleanses, but I have to say from my experience the combination of fruits, berries, melons, and Dr. Morse herbs are the best for healing all diseases. Fruits are man’s foods as we are fruitarians by nature, so we get all the nutrition that our bodies need while on the diet. The feeling of eating fruits the entire time is much better than suffering through hunger pangs while doing the fasts. I feel so complete now that fruits and herbs are a huge part of my life! It is my new and improved healthy lifestyle.

This year alone, I have almost completely healed myself emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually! My detox journey is still ongoing, but I am very amazed how powerful Dr. Morse’s herbs are! Since getting Level 1 certified, I discovered that I have had a weakness in my adrenals, parathyroid, and pituitary.

I am a woman who is 6 feet tall, so my endocrine system has been off. I’ve had issues conceiving, anxiety, depression, mood swings, heavy periods, spider veins, varicose veins, and insomnia to name a few of my issues. Since following Dr. Morse’s protocols, I feel like a new person on all levels! I have abundant energy, health, peace, and love in my heart. I can honestly say that I am now deeply connected to God like I’ve never been in my life!

I’ve also been involved in a couple of car accidents being rear-ended back in 2013 & 2014 which resulted in herniated and bulging discs in my neck and low back. I’ve had many rounds of PRP and ozone injections which drastically helped, but it didn’t fix the issues. During that time, I also discovered that I had osteophytes on my spine in various places. I am now educated enough to know that these are bone spurs from leaching of calcium due to weak parathyroid.

When going on raw fruits and herbs, my pain completely goes away. When I go back to cooked foods, the pain comes back. The same applies to my dental issues from past root canals. The pain completely goes away when I follow Dr. Morse’s protocols and take all of the herbs. It’s amazing to see what power the fruits and herbs have on our bodies!

Everyone needs to watch the Level 1 Spirituality video by Dr. Morse. It outlines exactly what I experienced this year especially over the summer after being on a raw fruit & herb diet. It’s called an out-of-body experience. It opened me up to a point where I could connect with the spiritual world.

This is information that is suppressed, and most people don’t know they hold these amazing powers. When you clear the channels in your body through detoxification, then you connect with the 12 dimensions via the 12 cranial nerves that are inside of the pineal gland or the third eye chamber. Our 12 cranial nerves are like a projection screen of the spiritual world.

The story of Moses (parting of Red Sea and 12 disciples) represents our brain (right & left hemispheres and 12 cranial nerves). The Bible stories represent the history of how we obtained these spiritual abilities. We are connected to spiritual world like the infinity symbol with pineal gland as convergence point. This is what I saw during my intense out-of-body moments.

No religion or doctor speaks of this fact. They keep this fact hidden directly, but Dr. Morse is the ONLY doctor that speaks of the electrical and magnetic connection to the spiritual world while detoxing. I am so amazed how powerful fruits are especially when paired with herbs. It’s like icing on a cake!

Our souls are connected through all of our energy bodies (causal/akashic, astral/emotional, etheric/ego, and mental) that Dr. Morse talks about. We are not just physical bodies comprised of cells and fluids. We are quantum bodies comprised of God’s energy/light/Ether/Holy Spirit.

What I went through this year was an intense expansion of consciousness. I experienced the “dance of the divine” like Dr. Morse calls it in that spirituality video. I experienced the many worlds and kingdoms (aka the Heavens) that people speak of. I found my true divinity! Now I understand the Bible verse “In God’s house are many mansions…” John 14, Verse 2

During my out-of-body travels, I discovered the fact that we are inside the spiritual brain of God! It looks like our brain, but the inverse which means it’s infinite and in spiritual form instead of finite and physical form. The so-called angels in our lives are like the neurotransmitters inside of God’s brain. What we see in physical form with our bodies is basically the inverse derivative of God just like the calculus formula. The connection is like plugging a cord into an outlet to receive energy.

Everything here in our dimension is a reflection of our Creator. It’s like when you project a movie on a projection screen, then you can see it clearly. Each and every one of us is a projection of God and his image. That’s why we must treat our bodies like a Temple of God. What we experience in physical form is directly connected to God’s experience in spiritual form. God desperately needs us all to get to these levels as the collective consciousness affects the health of his spiritual brain or Tree of Life.

When you go on a raw diet, you see these things very clearly. That’s what an “out-of-body” experience means. This is not a religion or belief. This is an experience, and it’s very intense!!! It’s like a Near Death Experience (or NDE) feeling. Now, I know why some people see, hear, and feel spirits but most don’t. It has to do with the portals inside our pineal gland chamber.

Most people are unhealthy with calcified pineal glands and can’t connect, so they’re like zombies without this ability. It’s very sad that most people are on this level of health and low-level of consciousness. They are totally disconnected from God and his amazing powers! He needs us now more than ever to save his spiritual brain and life.

The Dr. Morse video I mentioned explains in perfect detail how healing and spirituality go hand-in-hand. It’s been an intense journey which is very difficult to explain, but Dr. Morse does an amazing job because he explains it perfectly! He’s a truth-teller! I have a lot of respect for him knowing he has been healing tens of thousands of people for over 50 years! He is the true master of healing and spirituality! I haven’t seen anyone better!

Unfortunately, not many people are at his level. His international school of healing is independent of anything that we have ever known because we have been lied to with medicine. Eastern/Oriental medicine comes close to this type of healing modality with herbs and acupuncture, but no culture believes in 100% fruits as how God intended us humans to be… frugivores like all primates.

That’s why the Bible talks so much about fruits, and people who have NDE see amazing fruits in Heaven. Once you get to these levels, then the body can connect with the Creator via the transmitter pineal gland. It’s our spiritual organ which acts like our body’s antenna. That’s how our soul is able to radiate out into the universe and feel the powers of God. Our pineal gland is like the sun or light inside of us all. The fruits and herbs create a powerful light inside our bodies with the electrical and magnetic energy which attracts the spiritual world.

The sun is also incredibly powerful when it comes to healing. It is the source of life and light in all of us. It’s amazing how fruit & herb nutrition and the sun can heal a person emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually!!! I infuse this level of consciousness with my 5- and 8-year-old boys, and at their young age, their souls understand it all. They too are as passionate as I am when it comes to natural healing with organic fruits and Dr. Morse herbs.

It’s been an intense spiritual journey, and I feel blessed to be able to share it with people. This information is consciousness. It’s knowingness… not beliefs like what religion teaches us. This spirituality experience has shown me beyond what we will ever learn in this 3D fake matrix world. We all hold this light to know the truths and powers of our being!

When we connect to God, we know ALL the truths. The Holy Spirit holds past, present, and future memory in God’s spiritual brain. We can connect to it if we give our bodies abundant fruits, herbs, sun, fresh oxygen & water. All the things that make life grow and stay healthy. We must get to Christ-consciousness because we are the Creator through spiritual and physical individuality.

The evil ones have suppressed all of this information. They have infiltrated the entire world that we live in. Only the strong souls with consciousness will be able to break free from the shackles that bind us to this evil and corrupt world. The 4th and 5th dimensions are open to the souls who understand what is truly going on. This is our healing and spiritual ascension journey that we are experiencing! I’m just sharing mine because I want the world to know these truths!

We have Christ in all of us. It is in the proteins in our bodies called laminin. We hold the key to an abundant life with the help of God and all his Heavenly realms. This is exactly Dr. Morse’s message in that video. The awakened souls understand his words. The truth will set us all free! More people need to awaken!

We are on this journey for a reason! God wants me to serve humanity, and that will be my ultimate mission! My long-term goal is to get my Dr. Morse doctorate program degree once it becomes available, but my short-term goal is to pursue Level 2 and Iridology courses. His knowledge is fascinating! I watch his videos on a daily basis and absolutely LOVE him!!!

Thank you so very much Dr. Morse for all you have done over the years loving and helping humanity! You are my true hero! I also admire your team as well as all of the healers for helping as many people as they can in this world that desperately needs our help. Thank you all for listening to my testimonial, and good luck on your journey!

P.S. My younger son in kindergarten just finished a career project yesterday which he will be presenting to his class of students as well as parents this coming week. He is so excited to share Dr. Morse’s knowledge of God’s fruits and herbs.

Dr. Morse Testimonials