Fibromyalgia; Chronic Back Pain; Severe Migraines; Depression; Obesity; Candida

Annie H. August 10, 2018

Hi everyone, this is a testimony on regained health. I’ve been restoring my health from February and reading this group posts since May.

I just want to say thank you for all the valuable information posted here, I learned a lot, just through reading everyone posts and comments.

In return would like to offer my few words of encouragement to those of you who still hesitating on starting this journey. In February when I started I only dropped grains (wheat, bread, pasta, pizza, cakes, desserts, sugar).

I still ate everything else. And just dropping 1 thing already threw my body into detox. I coughed up phlem for 5 weeks, even though I still ate meat and dairy at that time. I think for a lot of us 1 step at a time works better.

In March I dropped dairy and in May I dropped meat. In June I was just raw vegan, eating simple and complex raw vegan dishes, making raw vegan bread, bought dehydrator etc.

In July I went on grape and lemon detox, I am on day 32 out of 40. Since February have lost 20 kg of weight (44 pounds), got rid of migraines, depression, mood swings, reflux, candida, piles, hot flushes, joints and muscles pain, chronic back pain, brain fog.

I am in the process of curing fibromyalgia and have achieved tremendous results. I no longer believe its incurable. It’s just a lot of acid, and I am slowly getting rid of it. No pain in my body anymore and sleep issues have drastically improved.

Severe skin pigmentation on my tummy have magically evaporated, my mind cleared, I got back my concentration, and my eyes cleared from brown to green.

I got off all my chronic medication and feeling perfectly fine without it. I feel abundance and steady flow of energy.

Its consistent though the day, I never get tired anymore and need only 5 hours to sleep. I pretty much already felt like that in May, its just grapes have moved it onto next level. I have been also taking herbs since mid June, they are incredible support.

So this journey, slow or fast, is totally worth it, with detox symptoms and all. And yes – cravings for old foods were hectic – but they go away fast and never return, hang in there. Go at your own pace, don’t give up, and those of us who worked the journey will help you, just like we were helped before.

My most heartfelt and deepest gratitude towards Dr Morse and my vegan friend Inesa Glėbaitė Richards who started me on this journey and guided me through this process. Thank you for my health.

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