Facial Eczema | Logan H.
I grew up in the heart of the Midwest, in the Chicago suburbs. Although I now possess good health, it wasn’t always that way. I was raised like many, on lots of dairy and starches with very little fruits and vegetables.
My favorite meals, up until I was a teenager, were grilled cheeses, peanut and jelly sandwiches, and, of course, mac and cheese.
As you may denote, my diet wasn’t so vital back then and I sure felt the effects from it. I had tons of headaches, congestion, and periodic fevers. However, we were just told this is normal and nobody told me or my family that diet was the root of my issues.
When I reached my high school years, my good genetics kicked in and getting sick was a thing of the past. Boy was I wrong. When I turned 16 I got a mild case of eczema on my face. The doctor gave me aand told me that was my only relief and that there was no cure.
I didn’t really like that answer but I just did as the doctor said and went about my business and used thefor two whole years! By that time I had begun getting into body building and taking lots of so called health supplements. Little did I know they were doing more harm than good to my body.
My eczema began getting worse, and I no longer could pretend that it was not a big deal. I realized that eating certain foods along with my protein supplements made the rashes worse, and that is where my quest for true health began.
I adopted an alkaline diet, and soon after, a raw living foods diet coupled with fasting.
My skin began looking baby-soft like I always imagined my skin would look without any blemishes or rashes. I have done numerous fasts, have also made my fair share of mistakes. But it’s great that we have the knowledge to correct our mistakes and return to nature when seeking for true health.