Irregular Bowel Movements; IBS; Diarrhea; Constipation; Low Energy; Mental Fog; Body Odor; Dehydration

Mike Miller January 22, 2022

For years I struggled with IBS and the combination of a predominantly fruit-based diet with Dr. Morse’s herbal formulas has nearly transformed my digestive health.

I have much better regulation (going from 1 to 3 times per day) and much smoother bowel movements (was previously challenged with diarrhea and constipation). These herbal formulas and a fruit based diet help me feel a more clean energy (without the hyper-stimulation and without the crash afterward), help me have more mental clarity, and enhance my overall well-being.

My skin feels cleaner; I have significantly reduced body odor, and drinking/eating watermelon will 10x how hydrated you feel over drinking H2O!

There are most certainly other herbs on the market, but I haven’t found anything as helpful as the Dr. Morse herbal formulas as they are carefully curated to specific needs. Seriously, give it a try!

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