Crohn’s Disease; Autoimmune Hepatitis; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Severe Depression

Luka H. February 21, 2019

Hey it’s Luka, I’m gonna tell you my journey with health and mindset till now.

In high school I started having problems with my gut. Most of the days I had pain in my stomach and I had diarrhea for half of the week. I didn’t really bother that much with that, as a matter of fact I started using that as an excuse to get out of school. I started going out every weekend, drinking with my friends, going to the gym, eating everything I could because I was always skinny and wanted to gain weight. I hated the fact that I was skinny and that was my weak point since I was very sensitive about that , everybody from when I was in elementary school made fun of me because of that. So that was my huge and only goal in life at that moment,didn’t care about anything else except that I wanted to get bigger and muscular and I wanted to go out and drink and have fun. During the years ,my physical condition was looking better and better on the outside,but getting worse on the inside . I was having alot of digestive issues not only because of the things I put inside myself ,but because I was a very nervous person who was taking everything personally, and I had a lot of anger,resentment and unresolved issues with myself and others around me which was destroying me from the inside.

During that time I thought absolutely nothing was wrong ,I acted like it was normal.. because I thought the only thing that matters is how I look ,and not how I felt, how I treated myself and others and what was happening around me. I started getting more and more angry, sad, holding on to things,resentful..I started drinking more , taking drugs , fighting .. I did everything I could just to fill out that black hole inside me and feel a bit of significance and approval. My condition was getting worse , I was running in circles..Every time I got 10,15 kg of weight with that lifestyle I had ,there came a period when the diarrhea was unstoppable and I was going to the toilet 20 times a day minimum and I was dumping out blood and I would lose that 10 ,15 kg of weight in 2 weeks which I was building for 6 months..I didn’t consider that being a problem,I was just like : Oh okay,moving from the start again. That exact circle of events happened 4 times in 3 years and then without changing everything just living like I was,of course it has gotten even worse and I ended up in a hospital. Going to colonoscopy in 2014 and ended up diagnosed with Crohn’s dis-ease..

The most devastating thing that happened in that moment – and this is an important part because I know the big significance of it in life now –is not that I was diagnosed with that,it was that the doctor told me in that moment :“ Luka, you have an incurable disease and you will be on medication for the rest of your life. „ . That, my friends, is the worst thing someone can say to you, especially if you actually believe them, like I did! That killed me..I’ve gotten 80% worse at that moment,in every way,physically,emotionally,mentally ..I got depressed..I didn’t want to get out of the house, I was crying everyday,struggling with everything,I just didn’t see any reason anymore to stay alive..I wanted to end my life and end this suffering.. BECOME AWARE of the power of your mind. Whatever you say to your mind,it will believe you if you repeat it alot,your mind doesn’t know the difference between past,present and future, it just is, whatever you make it!

My life was screaming for a change , but my perspective was wrong, I watched all those events in my life as a punishment for something, I was feeling guilty and blameful, to myself and everybody around me. I started a perfectionist diet by force – at least I thought it was at that time, only oats with water,chicken and rice, and toast with ham,no oil,no spices ,no nothing,only that dry stuff and loads of medication and therapies I was getting from the hospital. I was „forced“ to stop drinking alcohol which was my only source of fun and entertainment with hanging with my friends..I stopped all of that..In that period of time,I was a guy who never laughed anymore, I was gone,blank page,empty inside.. I was being a victim – thinking to myself- what did I do to deserve this?

With time I got to the point that I asked the doctor, can I eat something else? can I drink a beer or two? – He said : of course , you can live „normally“ ,eat and drink whatever you want , our biological therapy is keeping you good with the dis-ease..and with that,my circle restarted again. I was so happy because of that – I celebrated by getting drunk like it was my last day. What a way to celebrate life right? I ended up coming back to the same lifestyle I had and getting more and more medications. After half a year on those medications and my same lifestyle – something happened again – another warning from my body. Because of my lifestyle and all those chemical substances I was receiving from the hospital – I started getting swollen , all of my joints started to become inflamed.I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis aswel. I was 24 years old at that time,it was 2015.

I needed 5 minutes to get out of bed because of that, so my joints would warm up and not hurt so much. My hands and knuckles were swollen, I couldn’t hold anything in my hands. With that, my medications weren’t efficient anymore even for the one thing they were succesfully supressing which was my diarrhea and digestive issues. I started having extreme problems again ,but it was made even more difficult because of the arthritis. I was even more angry now on myself and everyone around me, I stopped believing in everything they told me anymore, I was done. What happened next was my first signs of a change and realising illusions and the power of the mind.

I got involved and in a relationship with a girl , who probably isn’t even aware today how much she changed my life at that period of my life! She did all the things that I needed, which of course, I didn’t know and appreciate at that time,because it was rough,it was tough, she was waking me up from the victim mentality and I was fighting hard against it,my programming and conditioning was deep and I didn’t know better. But I was in love so much, that it was stronger that all the pain and reconditioning I was going through..Because of her I moved to another country, which meant, a totally new environment , new lifestyle, new thinking patterns in a combination with love with her.

My health problems were almost not existent because I didn’t spent one second thinking about them , I was happy and was only thinking about stuff that are good,from time to time they would appear when something bad was happening or I was going through something,because then my mind would remember and return to that pattern of thinking and programming from before. Whenever I was feeling sorry for myself,she would stop me and say : stop telling yourself you’re sick, you’re not, stop playing the victim ! And I believe deeply, she knew exactly why she was telling me that,even though at that time,I had no clue why,but it was working. It was really hard for me,it was painful,alot of reconditioning,fighting,crying but it was worth it. That was 2016. After one year we broke up . I went back to my country and I was devastated.

When I came back to my country , one thing let to another , and I was back on the same lifestyle I used to have. I started drinking a few days a week,taking drugs again, eating the same way as I used to..That was my way of handling my emotions because I didn’t knew better. After a few months you can guess right, my health problems came back,worse then ever. I was numb on my feelings, it was like I didn’t feel anything after the breakup. I was in complete chaos in every way possible. In that state after half a year I got involved with another girl which was my „last“ lesson before I woke up. Even in that state I felt again , I felt something..but it was one month,it was intense and I got bumped up because I let myself be unappreciated,disrespected and ran over. That was the last warning and calling FOR CHANGE before the blow up.It was 2017.

I got back to killing myself even more with over eating,over training, over drinking , over thinking, over blaming myself and others, being angry on everything, full of resentment, guilt and undigested events in my life. At one point 2 months after that last thing, I got so bad physically..I started having constant diarrhea, I was puking, I had 39 degrees fever..Something was wrong. It’s funny that in those moments it actually comes to our minds that maybe something is wrong? I actually thought it was a virus or something , and just after a few days continued drinking because it was summer ,you don’t wanna miss that right? But during the days,something wasn’t right, I wasn’t feeling good,I wasn’t getting better..I went to the hospital by an inner feeling,and I’m glad I did..It showed my liver enzymes that needed to be around 30-120 ,they were 1700.

From then I was 3,4 months going to all kinds of checkups and processes in one hospital,then the other and they didn’t know what it was and what is going on with my body and my liver.I was bleeding out of my nose constantly 5 times a day,I was having a pudding form stool which changed colors from yellow to red, I was chronically fatigued,I was itching over my whole body etc.. Then I did a liver biopsy and a few weeks later ,they said another sentence that changed my life forever because that was the drop that spilled the whole glass. „ Luka, you have autoimmune hepatitis , which is another incurable dis-ease, you’re whole liver is inflamed, you will need to drink corticosteroids for the rest of your life,and within 2 years your liver will probably fail and you will need a transplant.“ That was it. It was too much for me to handle mentally and emotionally. I broke down like I never did before.

I needed a change,I needed to do something different with my life, I was sad, depressed, angry , hopeless, confused and desperate. At that moment, a friend I didn’t see so often sent me a message that he heard about my condition and that he would love for me to watch one video – it was „all you need to know about foods“ by Dr. Robert Morse. It took me a month to be desperate enough to actually watch that video. That video changed my life.I watched that video..and then another..and then another..and then another.

I watched a hundred,I started reading books about it all,about health,about food,about fasting,about our mind,about neuro lingvistic programming.I read,I watched for thousands of hours,I started incorporating everything on myself. I started doing courses from America and UK,learning even more ,going deeper,investing in myself and everything that I’m doing. I found out that all my life was an illusion. I was detoxing myself with fruits,intermittent fasting ,prolonged fasting , deep working on myself and self reflecting on all that I was doing,thinking and experiencing during my life. I was cleaning myself physically,emotionally,mentally and spiritually!

The more I cleansed and cleaned my body and my mind ,my eyes were more open ,I became more aware ,more conscious ,more clear of what is going on,of who I actually was and why I was even here.My health was skyrocketing,the doctors couldn’t believe what is happening and why,they removed my diagnoses. I achieved so much clarity, that I knew that this is something I want to share with the world and help other people become aware of who they are and what they are able to achieve in their life if they took their life in their own hands! You CAN achieve absolute vibrant health,absolute success in every segment of your life,that is how powerful YOU ARE,you can make your life as you wish it to be!

I started investing and learning and practicing everything even more ,every segment ,just going deeper and deeper and started sharing that online and with all the people that were around me and that I met outside. Everything that I learned or watched or read I always wanted to try it on myself first so I had my own experience , I was living like that,I made it my lifestyle eating mostly raw plant based foods after the cleansing with fruits, I just lead by example – and people started asking questions by themselves. Some were just interested,some needed guidance, some needed help so they can help themselves,some just wanted to argue because they were bothered how I was living my life now.

Now, I already helped hundreds of people across the world with their health issues ,from weight loss to chronic conditions and any other emotional or mental issues and blockages that they had in their life with making changes in as simple as their diet,going through their beliefs,thoughts and limitations to their mindset and lifestyle. Through my programmes,protocols,methods and live or online coaching and counselling ,people had and have amazing results and start seeing changes in every segment of their life.

I’m sharing this with everyone so you can all know that everything is possible when you decide to help yourself no matter what,there is ALWAYS a way,each and every one of you has the power to do this! I am the living proof of it,with so many others..You can heal any condition whether physical,emotional or mental with the right lifestyle and mindset! Love yourself and your body unconditionally always,health is wealth! When we have our vibrant health which is our natural state of being,then we can show the world the gifts that we have inside of us !

Love,peace and strenght to you all,

Luka Hinić

-some before (may be disturbing for some) and after pictures during those times and now.

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