Hashimoto’s Disease; Hypothyroidism; Severe Depression; Chronic Migraines; Menstrual Problems; Obesity

Hemispheres July 28, 2012

I just want you to know for the past 4 months I have been working with a woman who has suffered from hypothyroidism, specifically Hashimoto’s disease for 12 years. She grew up near Chernobyl as a child. She had a whole host of symptoms that had robbed her of her desire to live anymore.

Never an over-eater, she lived as a fat woman [with] severe depression, severe migraines, insomnia, menstrual problems, etc., etc. Even her very close family members were sick of her constant complaining. She saw various endocrinologists and was on 2 different thyroid pharmaceuticals over the years. She came to me still fat and every diet attempt never did her a damn bit of good. She even resorted to starving herself at one point to no avail.

I put her on Dr. Morse’s detox program to the T. In 4 months her life has literally transformed 180 degrees. Her body temp has gone up several points, the weight just melted off of her [and] all symptoms are nearly non-existent!

This woman is now happy for a change. She’s extremely grateful and has been doing things for me that are now improving my life tremendously. She told me that when she has her next endocrinologist appointment he is going to have a heart attack. I’ll bet dollars to donuts it won’t be much longer and I get temps completely normal and she drops that last prescription for good.

Special Notes

In mid 2012, this testimonial was posted on a community forum (and, as is usual with this medium, was met with high skepticism and disregard).

Dr. Morse Testimonials