Major Health Improvements; Depression; Indigestion; Gastroparesis; Anxiety; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Pain Reversed
I am Gabriel from Portugal and I am 29y.
I was born with a Congenital Heart Defect called Aortic Stenosis with no cure by conventional experts.
Only surgeries to replace my valves who would always deteriorate until I need a new surgery. I’ve already had 3 open-heart surgeries.
The last 5 years I began having other chronic problems. I had been diagnosed with 4 lung nodes (possible cancerous), my aortic root enlarged, diagnosed with IBS, Gastroparesis, chronic allergies, Blepharitis and “possible” Fibromialgia from chronic back and neck pain and Chronic Insomnia.
I did everything my doctors said, never paying attention on my diet until my problems got so severe that I had to find another solution. I’ve began having severe anxiety, depression, chronic dizziness and vertigo and indigestion.
Before I found out about this detox information I tried every alternative (acunpuncture, chinese med, IV’s, vitamin c injections, Homepathic, Ayurvedic, etc) and conventional treatments and all kinds of diets (Paleo, Paleo AIP,Whole food, Macrobiotic, etc) with absolutely no improvements, in fact I got worse.
Last year I found Dr Robert Morse as your brother Shaun Walsh and his information saved literally my life. On Christmass 2016 my heart was collapsing and swelling, I couldn’t breath and I was bedridden since Summer 2016.
I began then doing what Dr Morse advises as my last hope and here I am 6 month later after adopting a full raw(90% fruits), daily juicing, mild-intermittent fasting, daily taking herbs and I am recovering and feeling better every month.
I was on 4 medications for heart, allergies and anxiety. I am now med free, My IBS is almost gone, my heart is strong now, Indigestion and Gastroparesis is gone too, depression gone, anxiety gone, allergies and pain gone. My dizziness and other neurological problems are improving a lot.
I can drive, swim and do walking most days now. My journey is very new so I have a lot of work to do still. Everything is improving over time and of course there are days where the detox gets a bit scary with some symptoms flaring up because of all the waste and toxins coming out.
The lymphatic system-kidney connection is very real my friends. Seeing all the mucus coming out of my stools, urine and head is amazing.
Detox is scary sometimes but it is the only way in my opinion and experience to reverse even genetic conditions. Nutrition has the power to activate or deactivate genes too. You can read about it on books from Dr Bruce Lipton who is the pioneer on epigenetics.
Never, never, never accept what the White-coated people determine for you. It is your path to change what others can’t understand. To be able to heal you first have to believe it.
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September 22, 2017
Update in my health: For the first time in years I took a huge long walk and I can breathe, my heart is stable, and I feel way more energetic and emotionally very calm.
Remember, I was bedridden 8 months ago, completely sick with my heart collapsing, Gastroparesis, IBS and chronic dizziness. Had already 3 heart surgeries in my life and full of meds. I take 0 meds now and I am feeling so much better every month.
I have indeed a lot of healing crisis, specially connected to my bowels. They are still cleaning a lot of sulfur and weird stuff out!
It’s amazing, and YES I am completely raw since January, mainly fruits but with salads and some avocados every other day or so and I juice everyday! It’s a freakin miracle, I can’t describe it.
I can’t imagine how good I’ll feel in a few months or years… I am so motivated… Hope this will bring some people good positive vibe.
November 29, 2017
I can pretty much say that my Chronic Fatigue is healed. (which was as bad as it can get, like not having even energy to lift my head or getting out of bed to the bathroom for months).
I was born with heart disease, had 2 open-heart surgeries, 1 not invasive heart surgery, lots of procedures, medications (betablockers, benzos, allergy meds, tons of antibiotics, cortisones, shots) Contrast Scans, etc… I was very harmed by a lot of stuff and I had maybe days or weeks to live in January this year.
Two days ago I was able to shop for a whole day in 2 malls and I went to Ikea. I drove for 5 hours that day on top of that and when I got home I still had energy enough to do more stuff. My sleep has been better and better.
I feel the healing every month but I must say that detox reactions are very very real. Sometimes they are a bit scary but I am now so used to them that I celebrate them in my mind cuz I know what comes next is only positive healing.
The only struggles that I still have are little dizziness, general IBS symptoms (sulfur release), little brain fog sometimes which are all improving week over week… What healed the most in my body is the my mental state, fatigue, stomach and neurological issues like tingling, loss of feeling in my arms and legs and severe dizziness&vertigo. Lately, my chronic back and neck pain is healing a lot too.
I am off all medications of course and currently I am not taking any herbs anymore. I feel so smart now; I have confidence in myself with others again; my anxiety is gone; depression is a thing of the past too… I remember 2 years ago when I was in a hellish benzodiazepine withdrawal and looking now how far I’ve gone, I feel very proud of myself.
I really feel I deserve it after a life of no hope in terms of health. Getting healthy is my biggest dream and it is becoming true.
It is so possible to heal but one must be consistent and believe in themselves that fruits, fresh juices, some herbs and fasting can heal. I am only in this journey since January 2017 so I know a lot of healing will take place for the next months/years.
I like to write stuff like this because I know how much little testimonials like this gave me hope in my worst times. Hope it can give people some hope too.
July 19, 2018
For those out there who feel there is no turnaround or that things get too hard sometimes.
Don’t give up please. Before you change your diet you need to have something that I believe was more responsible for the most amazing recovery that I could have ever imagined and that was simply having FAITH. It all begins there.
I am grateful everyday for pushing thru hard days that I experience because at the end there is always a better outcome.
From my 18month recovery I deeply believe and honestly say that the everyday juicing is one of the keys too. It’s a lot about removing the deep rooted hard mucus and sulphur that’s inside our tissues and gut.
Clean that with daily astringent juices like Citrus juices and grape/lemon juices. Those are key key key from my experience. Yes you get bloated, yes you feel like shit a lot of days, yes you will doubt, yes you will have diarrheas, yes you will get tons of ups and downs but that is just the truth of this path.
You either accept it or will end up suffering more. For those who don’t know my healing journey: Born with Aortic Stenosis (heart disease). Had 2 open-heart surgeries and other procedures Harmed by psychiatric drugs, beta-blockers, CT Contrast Scans, antibiotics and whatever you can imagine. Suffered all my life with allergies and mold issues.
Gastroparesis, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Acne, Scoliosis, kyphosis, chronic back pain and headaches, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia…
Yes it’s mostly all reversed but healing is always taking place and it takes time. It really takes time.
Keep hanging on there my friends. Believe in yourself and in the power of believing in yourself.