Severe IBS; Chronic Skin Conditions (Seborrheic Dermatitis, Psoriasis); Scoliosis; Hair Loss; Depression

Karthikeyan D. June 26, 2021

I am excited to share my journey from sickness to wellness.

I have been in a very bad lifestyle like smoking, drinking, not getting enough sleep and then lots of stress, depression for a couple years from the age 18 to 26.

In 2016 April, got affected with IBS and reached a point where I couldn’t even digest an apple easily.

Life got tough as I couldn’t even focus on work as I felt bloated whatever I ate most of the time.

As a first step, I reached out to doctors and felt things got even worse with pharmaceuticals.

Couple of issues added to the list.Some of them are back pain due to scoliosis, severe seborrheic dermatitis, hives, psoriasis, hair fall etc.

I have stopped all my bad habits like smoking,drinking etc. In Fact I didn’t stop but I couldn’t take it anymore and was forced to stop.

It was the bottom of my life and I was almost crying for help.Then one day I was looking at the Sun and said , “I surrender to you, I don’t know what to do, Please show me the light”.

Next day I came to know about Dr Robert Morse.

Wow, what a miracle. I got the light.

I had a consultation with Dr Paty in November 2016 and started grape fast.

OMG, I started detoxing like anything.

By the end of one month my skin got almost clear, psoriasis and hives were gone.

I was on only fruits for a complete three months and seborrheic dermatitis was also gone.

When I Started adding little cooked food I got some seborrheic dermatitis again.

Then, finally I did a 40 days juice cleanse in April 2017, following you tuber John Rose Protocol this time.

Had Mostly watermelon, grapes, carrots,and beets.I tried Master Fast Protocol but didn’t feel aligned with their pasteurized grape juice and very strict protocol.

After the juice cleanse I didn’t have any issues except my hair was not growing back.

I attended the Dr Robert Morse five days course in May 2017.I was on an almost raw diet mostly fruits for the next one year till feb 2018. My health was good and I was getting better but I didn’t look that good.

Here is the turning Point, on February 2018, I came across teachings of Master Mantak Chia about using sexual energy for healing which I found to be similar to the Kundalini Meditation which I learned from Pranic Healing years ago but haven’t practiced before.

I did kundalini Meditation and it increased my overall energy by multiple times and especially the fire for digestion was ignited and after that I couldn’t eat just raw foods as I was hungry like a ghost. I started eating Cooked Brown Rice and other Cooked Organic Indian foods.This time there was no relapse from any previous issues but whenever I eat anything non organic unknowingly I could sense there is something wrong.After that I started using more sexual energy for healing using both Kundalini Meditation and MicroCosmic Orbit from Mantak Chia Teachings.

This is definitely a big game changer as I feel I am getting younger day by day. My skin got rejuvenated and reversed all the issues.My digestive fire has increased so much that I feel like I can even digest stones.

My Understanding is , Once I have detoxed and made the System clean , Kundalini energy was able to move through the system easily and healed and regenerated the cells.

As Mantak Chia says, this Sexual energy can re-generate DNA of the cells and heal the body..

The best way it worked for me is , Once I am aroused I Circulate the sexual energy.I don’t release it at all.There are a couple of ways to know if you are properly circulating the sexual energy.

1.If you touch your palate with your tongue you will feel the sweet taste of Nectar.

2.My Face Skin glows immediately and looks very reddish.

3.My Overall energy increase a lot as I realized I could lift more weight in the gym immediately

The book “the multi organismic man” by Mantak Chia helped a lot.

I am currently trying to learn more about metaphysics, transcendental meditation and how it could help with healing.

Sharing my pics with the time frame.

Please don’t share the pics outside of the group.

Hope this information is helpful in your healing journey.

Please let me know if you have doubts, I may respond slowly but will do definitely.

Whatever the condition, you can regenerate it completely.

I am forever grateful to our Loving Master Teacher Dr Robert Morse and every one in our group helping thousands of people in their tough times.

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