Interstitial Cystitis #1

Cassie Stratton November 13, 2013

I was told by medical doctors IC is a chronic, life-long condition I would have to live with.

I was 2-3 months living with IC it had debilitated me so bad from the pain I was not walking upright anymore, I was bedridden, I had no energy, and could hardly sleep at night the pain was so bad, it was painful day and night! With no let up.

I found Robert Morse and started watching videos back to back. I realized if people were healing from a variety of conditions, it’s possible I could too.

Robert Morse said if you can’t afford an appointment or herbs at this moment the best thing you can do is start eating fruits berries and melons.

Well that’s what I did, I ate mostly berries and stopped eating the S.A.D [Standard American Diet]. Within 24 hours I had no pain, I kept this up for 20+ days high raw if not 100% at times and hit a healing crisis, at day 20+ which lasted 3-4 weeks of cold and flu like symptoms from hell lol.

I got IC symptoms Oct 2012, and by January within 24 hours of the raw food diet no pain or symptoms ever again. It’s now mid Nov 2013 and I am still completely healed, thank goodness I found Robert Morse.

Special Notes

IMPORTANT NOTE: Having easy success using the above approach is not typical, given that most people dealing with interstitial cystitis do not tolerate most fruits without increased pain, and will need to transition slowly up until the point that they can. In the initial stages, this means a greater reliance on green smoothies (with low fruit content) and salads.

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