Reclaiming Health (Lumpectomy and Cancer Treatments; High Blood Pressure; Depression; Stopped 5 Medications; Weight Loss)

Endang G. July 31, 2014

Hi everyone, I would like introduce myself here, I am 50 years and I am a cancer survivor [for] 7 years. I had lumpectomy, Chemotherapy and Radiations, and they took away 20 lymph nodes. I was depressed and my blood pressure high…I have Type 2 diabetes, [am] overweight, migraines you name it…

One of my FB friend Lyhoa T. invited me to attend the class at RAWkin Juice and [there] I met Cheyne Goulden. He was explaining how our body system works, [the] acids and ect., I was impressed and [it] all makes sense to me. I decided to enroll with Cheyne and He coached me one on one very patiently, and since the first time we did a session I can tell the improvement. I am more relaxed, forgiving and have a peaceful mind. I wish I knew him long time ago, so I don’t have to face Chemo, lymph nodes removed and [daily] radiation for 35 days I am so excited to work with him to get my health back…


Yesterday I had Oncologist appointment and blood test done. The result was PERFECT….My oncologist was amaze by the result, And asking me why I stop my 5 different medications. I say [it’s because] I am on a Dr. R. Morse protocol, and i ate most fruits and salads. She want me to come to see her by next year instead of next 6 months as usual and bring all my stuff from Dr. Morse to show her what the ingredients….

Attached the blood test result … [provided below]

I would like to thanks to Lyhoa T. who introduced me to fruits and DR. Morse video, support me and give me a lot of love, Cheyne Goulden who coached me, support me and taught me how to heal my body and a lot of love ..and DR.Morse I don’t know how to thank all of you..

I know, you do not need this thank you, but I am doing it for myself. Thank you very much for the love, care, and affection you showered me with. I may not be able to ever return that to you, but I want to say, I LOVE YOU!
Thank you..

Hope every one of you have lovely day..hugs xoXO

Special Notes

Input from Cheyne Goulden

“I must share the change in blood pressure that Endang just shared with me. When we first met her blood pressure was around 145/98. It is now 120/75! That is a huge improvement. And she has lost a lot of weight in 1 month and is looking fantastic.

So we are seeing wonderful regeneration of the kidneys and adrenals as the acids come out of her body and the obstructions are removed.”

Dr. Morse Testimonials