Lyme Disease; C-Diff Infection; MRSA; Debilitating Fatigue

Kim W. January 19, 2019

My 6 month success story. This was really hard to write, reliving the memories, but the gratitude is abundant for how far I’ve come.

January 15, 2019 was the 6 month marker for starting on the raw fruit diet. I have been sick for many years, searching daily for the answer to get well. The last three years, I was pretty much bound to the house and not able to function well enough to be part of the world.

Here are before and after photos. The first one (before) was when I was in the hospital with an allergic reaction, having barely stayed alive. The second (after 6 months on the protocol) is a just few weeks ago on our 40th anniversary trip to Mexico, feeling intense gratitude and freedom for my newfound life.

So back to my story… I saw countless physicians who gave me up for crazy or hopeless, natural healers, naturopaths, tried almost every therapy possible, stayed in healing clinics out of state for up to 3 weeks, tried practically every diet possible, took thousands of supplements, flown across the country and even overseas to find answers. I had to be flown to Florida from my home state of Illinois 4 – 5 times to have good bacteria put in my intestines so I didn’t die.

And nothing worked…

… and then that moment that everything changes.

One night I got my mind quiet with meditating and afterwards felt strongly I needed to post on a particular group on Facebook. I never would have guessed this post would lead me to the truth and healing I was seeking. Someone who cared enough to take the time to give me some information and links about the Dr. Robert Morse protocol. At first I dismissed it. Who wants to be told that their thinking about their current protocol is wrong, right?

Thank goodness the next day I was led back to the post and chose to watch the videos that she shared with me. Immediately the Dr. Morse videos resonated with my soul that THIS is the answer I had been praying for. It totally made sense.

That very day I told my husband, “let’s go buy some fruit” and I’ve never looked back or questioned the protocol.

With an ambiguous diagnosis of Lyme Disease, anxiety, flesh eating bacteria, life-threatening intestinal bacteria and so much more, I struggled every day to live for so many years. My everyday existence was all about surviving, that’s all. I had to spend countless hours each day treating the symptoms so my body wasn’t overcome by it all.

There’s so much story to tell and my plan is to write a book in order to help others heal as I am doing.

The great news is now… today, I am finally healing and getting better daily. The fruit diet has enabled my body to detox the Lymph system and to get my kidneys filtering out all the disgusting bacteria, toxins, parasites, etc. By clearing out the gunk, the truth has been exposed which has me continuing on this crazy, amazing healing journey.

So here I am writing this from a hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona where I am on a business trip with my husband, engaging in activities, meetings, dinners and social events with about 1000 other people who are in an elite class of financial advisors. It’s hard to imagine that I could not even leave the house 6 months ago. Gratitude fills my entire being for Danielle who took the time to message me that information on such a dark, scary night 6 months ago.

Am I completely well? No, not at all. It takes time to detox a 59 year old body that has been collecting and storing toxins for all these years.

Am I considerably better? You betcha! I have a life now and no longer wake up every day wondering if I will survive the day. Instead I look forward to a future of incredible health and vitality and a knowingness my best days are ahead because I’ve never been healthy my entire life. And if I’m healthy, I can do it all, enjoying a life full of adventure, freedom and abundance.

Although I do not focus on symptoms at all these days, but instead keeping my mindset on my amazing future and gratitude for the present moment, I have posted my previous symptoms that have been healed or almost healed below to give others encouragement and hope. Keep in mind this is a short list of everything I had going on:

Muscle tightness in neck, head and shoulders so much so my head was drawn to the side and I could not hold it straight or turn one way or another.

Debilitating Fatigue – could hardly walk from one side of the house to the other.

C-diff infection in intestines several times requiring an ER visit and trips to Florida to replenish good bacteria.

Flesh eating MRSA for 5+ years on several places on different parts of my body – a constant fear my ears and other body parts would be completely eaten awa.y

Horrible brain fog, inability to make decisions, think clearly. Sometimes I hardly knew who I was or where I was.

Hypothyroidism – I am no longer taking thyroid medication or any medication.

Anxiety was through the roof with an overwhelming sense that I was going to die at any time.

I think I had the worse parasite infection on the face of the earth (still treating, but much better).

Pounding heart 24/7.

I could hear my heartbeat in right ear constantly.

Eyes blurring, painful, twitching, extreme dryness.

Pulsating and flashing in eyes.

Pain and heaviness in lungs.

Movement throughout skin (now I know this is scabies – and it’s better but still present)

Rib cage pain.

Stagnant lymph system – tests constantly coming back with reports of heavy metals, high chemical, pesticide load, mold toxicity, mycotoxins, etc.

Kidneys not filtering – edema in legs (doctor in the ER told me this was normal).

Sad and depressed and cried every day (now I can’t imagine feeling like that).

Thoughts consumed with concern over whether I would get better. Terrified to be alone.

Constant rashes and hives.

Low blood pressure.

Always cold, often had chills.

Constant intestinal pain.

So there are more symptoms, but you get the picture. I am lucky to be alive…. I take that back. The only reason I am alive is because I believed in my heart of hearts that God had a purpose for me and if I kept researching, experimenting and believing, I would some day figure it out. And I did!

I am so thankful for Dr. Morse and all my fructarian friends who have helped guide me along the way!

I can’t attribute my healing totally to the diet though. It’s so much more. Now I know we are creators of our own lives and I am always in control of my health through my thoughts and emotions. Thank you to an extremely insightful energy healer, Laura Hernandez, who I have worked with for almost a year now to uncover the power that lies within. Hilde Larsen has been my “fructarian” coach and also has helped me so much on the mindset.

My purpose here is to give hope. For those of you who are in the heat of the battle, know there is an answer and the choice is yours to heal yourself as I am doing. It’s always a choice. And then the difficult part begins, putting it into action even when the future seems bleak and there is yet no evidence that is working. Surround yourself with those who have walked the path before you and found success. There are many teachers out there who will guide you in the diet and teachers to help you find the power of the mind and to rid yourself of destructive programs that are holding you back. I have and still do watch lots of YouTube videos, not only Dr. Morse, but those who heal through thoughts an emotions like Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Marisa Peer, etc.

It’s so important to let go of the victimhood and open yourself to possibility of healing because you are worth it and you deserve it. NEVER GIVE UP!

I absolutely do not want to take you away from this amazing group but wanted to invite you to gain additional support on my new FB page which shares my healing journey with others. Rejuvenate Raw with Kim focuses on healing through the fruit diet, but also through the mindset and emotions. I plan on having interviews with others who are healing or who have healed and also experts in the field who can lend much support to healing this way. I am looking forward to posting recipes for some amazing raw food dishes.

If you feel so inclined, please join me on this page by liking it. You will find yourself in company with others who are taking their health into their own hands and changing the world one person at a time…

Be free and love yourself.

Dr. Morse Testimonials