Multiple (12(+)) Medications Stopped (incl. SSRI/Anti-Depressants, Anxiety Medications); Degenerative Disc Reversed

Brighty K. July 3, 2014

I’ve been on an SSRI aka. anti-depressant / anxiety meds for over 15 years. [Now] I’m completely off [of them]. Dr. Morse gave the tools [and] I worked it. I’m down from I think 13 meds to 2 to 3 not every day.

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!! God love ya Doc!!!!!!!!

This was the hardest besides my heart med. That is the one I’m on still.

I [advise taking] this very, very slowly. These meds almost have a Mercury-like effect on the brain y’all!
Never just stop. This is a process.

I did the [Stomach & Bowels Tonic] caps, [GI Broom], [Kidneys & Bladder Tonic] capsules and tinctures, [Heal-All Tea], adrenal glandulars, parathyroid glandulars, [Lymphatic System Tonic] tincture, [Lymph System Tonic] caps, [and] kelp.

It’s trial/error, balance!!!! I’m still on the protocol! I’m not done yet! Fibromyalgia be gone!!!!

I was in therapy and groups for years. I ran the groups, my mental care professionals asked me for advice. I have to say I don’t have much respect for that profession or western med, now whoever made Benadryl, they Rock!

I should add folks: A raw diet is [the] main objective!

Dr. Morse, no words describe, how important, this man’s words are!!! Watch all videos!!! Watch over & over again. Don’t let anyone detour you! Be strong, wear the robe, lead by example! Dr. MORSE IS STRAIGHT UP FROM GOD! You get control of your health, that takes away control over you!!!!


July 3, 2014

2011 to 2014. Chiropractor gave me these. He was shocked. Hadn’t seen him in over a year. And wanted to know what I did to make this happen. I told him Detox: raw foods, tissue specific herbs, glandulars, and some other modalities I utilized. He was absolutely speechless. My fibromyalgia is little to nothin! My degenerative disc has corrected, in many places, it was aweful! Inflammation is minimal. And my arthritis is gone in many places. I still have a lot more to detox! So remember you can do this too!!!! This is huge Y’all!!!! Hugs Medical thermography scan of human back showing vertebrae C1-S1 with temperature readings and intensity levels indicated by bars. Medical diagram showing MyoVision MultiScan Report with spine illustration and circular range-of-motion graphs from 2014.

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