Ectopic Pregnancy; Fertility Issues; Painful Urination; Recurring UTIs; Ureaplasma Parvum Infection

Zoë Rollman September 9, 2024

Hi Robert,

First of all, a big hug and thanks to you and your team! This is a testimonial from a 32 year old female from the Netherlands:

I came across your YouTube videos in 2016, got inspired and started adapting a raw vegan/fruitarian lifestyle. I also detoxed with help of your herbs. Not because of any so called diseases but because I wanted to clean myself up for the future.

Fast forward to 2022. I stopped birth control in September and became pregnant in October 2022. Not long after finding out I started bleeding, the doctors told me I had a miscarriage but it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy. They had to remove my pregnancy surgically with my left fallopian tube. Trying to conceive again after the operation was taking months, which made me worry whether or not I would become pregnant again. In July 2023 I started taking the female reproductive formula and in August I found out I was pregnant!

Not long after finding out I was experiencing frequent very painful urination, I thought of an UTI (I have a history of “catching” an UTI easily) but the test came back clear. The doctor thought it was bacterial vaginosis, further tests showed it was an ureaplasma parvum infection/overgrowth. In the medical field they don’t really know how to treat this bacteria because it is resistant to a lot of antibiotics. But they do say that it can cause miscarriages and preterm birth, so that created some worries.

I wasn’t fond of taking and trying any antibiotics, especially being pregnant so I sent and email to the dr. Morse clinic. Kerri was happy to assist me and told me that I could take kidney & bladder 1, bone & connective tissue, endocrine and 1/2 dose parasite M. Which I ordered and took. Meanwhile I was also still taking a low dose of female reproductive during my pregnancy, I have read that it keeps the progesterone level well so I thought that wouldn’t hurt. I stopped parasite M and the female reproductive a month prior to the due date (which was April the 24th). Stopping the parasite M before the due date is essential if you want to give breast milk to your baby. I did not test again but the symptoms disappeared. I’m really thankful that you and your team were (quickly!) able to help in this situation cause I was in a lot of pain and worry.

On April 25th my son Odin was born. My placenta was big and healthy looking and he had a rather thick umbilical cord. He is growing above average on my breast milk, it is already a strong little guy! I added a picture of him to this letter. Again, thanks! You can share this testimonial on a video. I hope it will help women, especially in pregnancy, that are being tested positive on ureaplasma and feel worried and hopeless. And that it takes away the possible fear women might have regarding taking these herbs during pregnancy (google doesn’t help), Odin turned out fine and healthy.

Dr. Morse Testimonials