Vulvodynia | Rita W.

Rita “Ria” W. December 3, 2011

Hello everyone,

I am now pain free no medication. Please look up Dr. Robert Morse on Youtube, he has helped me with my constant pain. He is a Naturopathic doctor in America. I did not go and see him, I had a telephone consultation, but please feel free to call the clinic. [The] advice is there for free, can you believe it?

Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy – Very Happy

If you need any advice please contact me. I know it works. Nooooooo medication it’s amazing thank god. Please read my old posts you will see how desperate I was for help and all on this site have been wonderful.

Please research him, it has worked for me.



I was at the end of the road and by chance came across Dr. Robert Morse. He works with very serious conditions and gets fab results.

When I told him about my pain in the vulva and how it started with a sinus infection he told me it was acidosis which is too much acid in the body, caused by the toxin build-up and the medication. I went on a Juice fast drinking nothing but grape juice or green juice, I also had 3 colonics and then ordered the bowel herbs from Dr. Morse; the more you eliminate the better to get the body back to alkaline.

Detoxification is not a system of treatment or a way to remove symptoms; it is a system of curing by addressing the cause of the disease. The diet is raw food and it is wonderful. Please Youtube “Dara Dubinet” and “Dan McDonald” and just get information on how healthy these people are. It’s like yeast infections telling people to stay away from fruit.

Dr. Morse says eat the fruit to eliminate the yeast. If you telephone the clinic they give you free advice, not like all the money I have spent on specialists. The lady I speak to is called Shannon, if you mention Rita, she will know it’s me and I have been on the site, I told her it would be the first thing I do to let all you know what has worked for me.

So I don’t eat , dairy, coffee, tea, beans. But I do eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and I use a Vitamix blender, dehydrator and juicer. Look at the wonderful recipes on Youtube. Also go to rawfood rehab. I am sorry if I am ranting but I am trying to tell you how I got hooked and trust me you will never look back. It is difficult cutting out the foods at first. You can have what they call a healing crisis where you get worse before you get better but this wonderful man has cured cancer patients with the same regime.

Spend an afternoon listening to Dr. Morse answer questions on all conditions for people and then have a go and regenerate the damaged cells by using fruit. You have more energy, zest for life and of course no medication, I have stopped all my Hormones as well, I know it’s hard to believe, but we are what we eat [and] this is sooooooo true.

Special Notes

In late 2011, the above testimonial was posted on a support forum for females suffering from vulvodyania.

Dr. Morse Testimonials