Vulvodynia | Josie

Josie August 27, 2014

Hi there,

I just wanted to add my experience with vulvodynia.

I started experiencing vulvodynia in January 2014. (HORRIBLE) I also started experiencing many other symptoms or conditions such as tendonitis, major issues with my GI. All of this started happening after I had an IV Antibiotics just prior in December 2013 for a tooth absess which lead to locked jaw.

I started researching more. (I had already been into the Raw Food Diet for 10 years) I came across DRM and it clicked that I should just be eating fruits. I did a 40 day fruit fast first and now majority fruit with a salad or rice and veg just once a week if that. At this time I did not take any herbal supplements I only just started taking them about a week ago (detox week 1 and 2)

During the 40 day fruit fast things got better then they got worse but for a shorter period then everything cleared up then I had just a minor flare for a few days and now for a few months I have had no symptoms of vulvodynia. (Still working on GI issues that flare only if I eat rice and veg and even salad) I also wanted to say that during the 40 day fruit fast my jaw locked again from the wisdom tooth absess but I just rode through it and it cleared up within a week.

I now see eating a majority fruitarian diet as a lifestyle that I will continue for the rest of my life, the healing and energy I experience is amazing.

I hope this information is helpful to someone.

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