Boosting Health and Performance with Raw Diet and Fruit: A Raw Food Runner’s Dr. Morse Testimonial | Michael The Runner | talk2marco
Challenge Faced
Physical fatigue and low energy; protein and iron supplementation concerns; chronic fatigue while being vegan; difficulty maintaining energy through busy days; societal pressure about protein intake; skepticism from family and coaches
Approach Taken
Michael transitioned from Standard American Diet to vegan-friendly, then adopted a 100% raw food diet focused on fruits and vegetables. Emphasized high fruit intake, especially for breakfast, and eliminated all cooked foods. Made a full commitment to raw living foods with support from his partner.
Results Achieved
40-second improvement in 5-mile race time; sustained energy throughout busy days; eliminated chronic fatigue; ability to teach PE, train, and attend night school with consistent energy; qualified for national cross country championships; improved overall athletic performance; better recovery between training sessions; mental clarity and focus; freedom from protein and supplement dependencies