I Couldn’t Even Walk to My Mailbox – Here’s How I Recovered

Terri Knuth September 16, 2023

In late 2019, Terri's health declined so drastically she couldn't walk to her mailbox. After numerous failed attempts to find help through conventional medicine, her situation worsened following an infection in August 2021, leading to severe breathing difficulties that left her fearing for her life.

Everything changed when her friend shared Dr. Morse's video with her.

Recognizing an opportunity for healing, she immediately began a fruit-based protocol in January, even before receiving her official analysis.

Starting with self-selected herbs and later following Dr. M's four-month protocol, she experienced a breakthrough during a 10-day grape fast that finally got her kidneys filtering.

The results were comprehensive and life-changing. She lost 41 pounds, regained her ability to breathe normally, and returned to her pre-menopause weight.

Additional improvements included the disappearance of varicose veins, healing of an infected toenail, and restoration of her strength and athletic abilities.

Beyond physical improvements, she experienced enhanced spiritual awareness noticed by others in her truth school.

Now back to exercising and feeling stronger than ever, she maintains a primarily fruit-based diet with occasional vegetables, has completely eliminated meat, and continues to incorporate periodic grape fasts into her routine.

Challenge Faced

Severe breathing difficulties; unable to walk to mailbox; numerous airborne and food allergies; lifelong health issues; COVID complications; severe lymph stagnation; varicose veins; weight gain; ingrown toenail with infection; near-blindness symptoms

Approach Taken

Terri started an all-fruit diet and initial self-guided herbal protocol while waiting for analysis. Followed Dr. Morse's four-month protocol, culminating in a 10-day grape fast. Maintained primarily fruit-based diet with occasional vegetables, eliminating all meat and processed foods.

Results Achieved

Restored ability to breathe normally; returned to regular exercise routine; lost 41 pounds; varicose veins disappeared; infected toenail healed; improved lymphatic function; increased strength and energy; better spiritual groundedness; normalized weight; enhanced exercise capacity; cleared near-blindness symptoms; stronger immune system

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