From Health Struggles to Rawgenerate: Jake Gallon’s Raw Food Testimonial | talk2marco
Challenge Faced
Ruptured appendix at 15 months old; chronic teeth issues; feelings of not belonging; anger management problems; facial tension and frown lines; lymphatic stagnation; emotional eating patterns; digestive issues; burning eyes when sweating; psoriasis on scalp; constant mouth pain
Approach Taken
Jake began a fruit-based diet following Dr. Morse's teachings, incorporating dry skin brushing and herbal protocols. Focused on emotional healing while reducing processed foods and implementing mono fruit meals. Studied natural healing through Dr. Morse's school and maintained consistent detoxification practices.
Results Achieved
Eliminated mouth pain; improved skin conditions; better temperature regulation; enhanced energy levels; clearer thinking; emotional stability; stronger digestion; reduced need for excessive eating; better relationship with food; increased self-confidence; improved kidney function; natural weight management; ability to help others heal