Reversing Female Pattern Hair Loss with Raw Foods and Herbs

Julia I. March 1, 2018

I would like to share with you the wonderful results I achieved thanks to this lifestyle and following Dr. Morse’s teachings.

This testimony is about hair loss and the the wonderful results I have gained.

How after 6 years of extreme hair loss I did what I was told by medical doctors that will be impossible: I grew my hair back! Naturally! And the results have exceeded my expectations...

I was told that I had female pattern hair loss, I’ve also had many endocrine issues- adrenal and thyroid (Hashimoto), ovarian tumor, endometriosis, severe anemia, etc. I had so much radiation to my head and other many things that could have been linked/ responsible for the hair loss.

I’ve began to lose hair in my early 20’s.

Every day I was losing so much hair. Every day for 6 years.

My scalp was burning! It was red and very painful to touch. My hair falling got worse, even the body hair began to fall. I was in so much pain that I could’t sleep for days. I was in Hell.

At the beginning of the year 2015 I started to use Dr. Morse’s herbs and tinctures.

In January 2015 I started the 14 week personalized protocol written by Dr. Morse, and continued with other Dr. Morse’s herbs after the protocol.

In the summer of 2015 I’ve noticed some new fine, thin hairs beginning to grow. At that point my hair was growing and falling at the same time, even the new ones.

After doing things on my own I realized that I needed help, advice and support from an expert in the art of detoxification.

I found this help and more in a wonderful woman, Dr. Marcie Troyer. I had the first consultation with Marcie on 11.11.’15 thru Skype.

Her support, knowledge, kindness and patience made a big difference in my life. Things began to change very fast, and for the better.

In January 2016 I decided that I will regain my health and get my life back.

I began to have a positive mental attitude, faith and confidence that I will be successful.

I’ve also started my 14 week personalized protocol written by Marcie.

In January – February of 2016 I changed my hair care routine and products and started using only Morrocco Method Int’l. I’ve began using the scalp massager and following the recommendations of cutting my hair every month following the Lunar hair chart.

believe that this combination of raw foods, fruits, different types of fast, Dr. Morse’s tinctures (especially the Upper Circulation and Brain and Nerve), Morrocco Method products (especially the scalp massager), having faith , confidence that I will be successful and cultivating a positive mental attitude made wonders for my hair and overall well being.

My hair began to grow so fast, it began to get thicker and the hair fall almost stoped completely!

Some of my hairs used to be so thin that if I took a single hair and place it on a white sheet of paper would have been almost invisible.

Before my hair began to fall, I used to dye it for about 7-8 years.

Thru the years I used to dye my hair with tints of red, golden brown and dark brown.

I stopped dying my hair in 2010 (because of the hair loss).

After I wentin 2013 I’ve noticed that my natural hair started to have a brown- reddish color.

Well, when it began to grow, in 2016…it grew a light brown- golden color!

In about 6 months I had an incredible amount of hair on my scalp!!!

My hair continued to grow this golden color for several months.

My hair kept getting stronger and thicker and continued to grow all over my body.

After a while my hair stopped growing this golden color and it began to grow a very dark brown.

Right now I have 3 different natural nuances in my hair. Everyone thinks my hair is dyed.

I’ve had two theories regarding my hair growing a golden color:

1. At first I thought that maybe my hair should have been blonde from the beginning.

Since my father as a child had blonde, curly hair and later in life changed to dark brown- black.

2. The second theory is that the portion of my hair that grew golden brown was due to the color that I’ve used to dye my hair with.

When my hair began go grow blonde I thought that will continue to grow like this for the rest of my life, but after some months it started to grow a very dark brown, my natural hair color as a child.

This is when I thought that the blonde portion were in fact the chemicals I used to dye my hair with, since this color was very close with what I’ve used to color my hair.

My scalp in not hurting anymore, the extreme itchiness is gone, the redness is gone, the burning is gone.

Now I can concentrate more, I can think, I am more awake, more aware, the brain fog is gone and I’m beginning to feel more like myself every day.

I am full of enthusiasm when I see how my hair is growing, so long and so fast.

Every day while combing my hair I am amazed to see the short hairs that keep growing among the long hairs. It is incredible!

I hope that this testimony will give hope to people who suffer from hair loss and also other ailments.

I never could accept the medical doctors sentence. I’ve always felt it in my heart that I will regrow my hair, despite the odds.

My own mother tried to comfort me, kept telling me to resign myself, to give up, to accept that I will not grow my hair back and to stop trying because is not the end of the world and that are many women in the world living just fine without hair.

No one believed that it was possible.

I proved them all wrong.

Other people opinions of you does not have to become your reality.

Believe you can heal and you will, sooner or later.

Challenge Faced

Severe hair loss for 6 years

Approach Taken

Combined Dr. Morse's herbal protocols with raw foods and periodic fasting. Implemented natural hair care using Morrocco Method products, including regular scalp massage and lunar hair cutting schedule, alongside maintaining a positive mental attitude.

Results Achieved

Hair regrowth; thicker and stronger hair; multiple natural hair colors emerged; scalp pain and burning eliminated; enhanced mental clarity; improved concentration; reduced brain fog; better sleep; increased energy levels; restoration of body hair growth; renewed sense of self

Dr. Morse Testimonials