Health Transformation; Weight Loss (Post-Detoxification Bodybuilding and Raw Foods)
It’s been almost 5 years since I started my body transformation and detoxified all those horrible toxins and mucus out of my body!!!
NO more puffy, bloated, over weight madness!!!

Here is a photo I found of me at my heaviest weight of 245 lbs. and one of me now!!! You can clearly see what tremendous difference this lifestyle has on how you look!!! A great example at the very least. I was 7 years younger in this photo and the healthy version picture was just taken in August!!!

P R O O F is in the pudding friends
I went from eating NO veggies for 30 years of my life, to becoming a plant based eater at the age of 30!!! People always ask me, well… where do you get your PROTEIN How do you keep so much muscle on without eating , taking protein powders etc.
My answer to that is the foods I consume have EVERYTHING that we need, and if they didn’t, I certainly wouldn’t look the way I do OR have the muscle I have
Because after I detoxified my body I lost 55 lbs and had to start all over again and rebuild. I learned a great deal about the body over those years of rebuilding. I found out what worked and what really didn’t work I came to the conclusion that more than half of the supplements out on the market today don’t really do what they say they do, it’s just a billion dollar industry!!!
The PLANT kingdom is extraordinarily Powerful!!! I trusted that I would get all of my nutrients from the plants and herbs and look what happened to me
So if any of you out there in the Facebook world don’t like veggies and think that you could NEVER like veggies, I’m here to tell you that it IS possible to like veggies and to actually start craving them!!!
It happened to me just 5 years ago. A little tip…don’t spend too much time trying to figure out how to make this work, just start right now by adding in more fruits and veggies in their natural state. I recommend making green juice and green smoothies. This is an excellent way to get more in everyday my friends!!!
When I began my health journey 5 years ago, I had NO idea what I was doing or where it would take me, I just knew I was sick and needed a change fast! I started juicing because I hated veggies and fruit and that changed everything within a few months I was craving veggies and fruit! I found Dr Robert Morse’s videos on YouTube and started watching his teaching on detoxing the body and I was instantly inspired. He explained health so simply that and it all made sense. I have always been a little skeptical, but once I had the understanding I was all in and went on to get certified as his detox specialist. Anything is possible in this life. I thought after 30 yrs of never eating veggies that id never like them, and that all changed and now it’s all I eat!
I lost over 50 lbs when I started my detox and went from 245 lbs to 170 at my lowest before I started to rebuild to where I am now at 185 lbs.
The picture of me in the white shirt was before at 245 lbs. puffy, bloated and full of mucus and I was very sick there, the pink shirt picture is most recent and taken in August. You can clearly see the difference in my skin, weight, face and best of all my health problems are gone and I can do more now at 35 than I could in that picture at 28! I am very blessed to have done what I was able to do and the rest of my life will be dedicated to helping others to do the same thing. Send the positive energy and love right back out into the universe.